Lost Super
Did you know there is around $16 billion in lost and unclaimed superannuation across Australia? The [Continue reading...]
Fending off GST Audits
The Government has welcomed the actions of an ATO-led taskforce in relation to what is termed “the [Continue reading...]
Reducing the Risk of Crypto Scams
ASIC has released fresh and timely information around crypto scams. Scammers use cryptocurrencies, like bitcoin or [Continue reading...]
Proposed Tax on $3M Super Balances
Individuals with large superannuation balances may soon be subject to an extra 15% tax on [Continue reading...]
FBT Exemption for Electric Vehicles
With car fringe benefits one of the most common benefits provided by employers to employees, [Continue reading...]
Trust Distribution Landscape Now More Settled
If you carry on your business affairs through a trust structure, there is now more [Continue reading...]
Crystalising Capital Losses
It’s been a particularly difficult 12 months for investors. On the superannuation front, we now [Continue reading...]
Legislating the Purpose of Superannuation
On 20 February 2023, Treasury released a consultation paper on legislating the purpose of superannuation. [Continue reading...]
FBT & Car Logbooks
With the end of the FBT year approaching, are your car logbooks in order? The [Continue reading...]
New Work From Home Record Keeping Requirements
Are you one of the five million Australians who claim work from home deductions? If [Continue reading...]