On 1 November 2021, the new Director Identification Number (Director ID) was introduced as the first step in the Modernising Business Registers (MBR) program.
What does this mean for Company Directors?
From 1 November 2021, all directors of registered companies will be required to apply for a Director ID. Due to the requirement to verify your identity, these applications must be lodged personally or with our assistance with you being present.
When to apply
Existing Directors appointed before 1 November 2021 have until 30 November 2022 to have their Director ID Number, however we strongly recommend applying sooner rather than later.
New Directors appointed between 1 November 2021 and 4 April 2022 have 28 days after their appointment to apply.
Directors who are appointed from 5 April 2022 will need to have their Director ID Number prior to their appointment.
How to apply
There are 3 different ways to apply for a Director ID.
1. Digital Application
This is the preferred method of application and can be done on the ABRS website https://abrs.gov.au/director-idenitification-number
Before beginning an application Directors are required to set up a MyGovID account and verify their identity. Two forms of photo ID are required to set up the MyGovID account and additional ATO information may be required in certain circumstances. It is important to note that MyGovID is different to a MyGov account. More information on MyGovID can be found at https://mygovid.gov.au
2. Phone Application
This method requires calling ABRS (13 62 50) and answering some proof of identity questions only available to Directors who have an Australian Tax File Number. Please see ABRS website for further information.
3. Paper Application
This method requires completion of a form (available on the ABRS website), providing Certified Proof of Identity documents and posting to ABRS, Locked Bag 6000, Albury NSW 2640. This form of application may take several weeks.
Please advise Stratogen once you receive your Director ID so it can be linked to your company information. Please contact us if you require assistance with your Director ID Application.